Monday, March 8, 2010

Queer Cookies!

To spice up our presentation, Group 2 decided to bake various cookies that related to our journey throughout the quarter. For our classmates, we baked gingerbread and heart shaped cookies in which we would like the class to decorate. These specific shapes symbolize the characters and the romantic relationships that we have read about in the various novels this quarter. To show our true creative abilities, we prepared a decorated plate of cookies for Professor Moddelmog representing different aspects of the class reading assignments.

Description starting at the top left.
1) The fish and palm tree are both representative of Ernest Hemingway's The Garden of Eden. While celebrating their honeymoon on the beaches of Europe, David caught a fish.
2) The flower and the dog cookies are both representing aspects of the short stories we read from author Jose Villa. The flower of forgiveness as well as the story of the dog he found are part of his rocky relationship with his father.
3) The Pride Flag is representative of our investigation of same-sex love relationships throughout the quarter as well as our personal journeys of defining the word "queer".
4) The trophy cookie labeled "#1 host" is in reference to Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway in which Clarissa was deemed " the perfect hostess" by Peter Walsh.
5) The house shaped cookie on the end is labeled "The Manor" to represent Niggeratti Manor in Wallace Thurman's Infants of the Spring.

Description starting at the bottom left.
1) The three trees represent the "greenwood" in E.M. Forster's Maurice. The cross is a depiction of the religious discourse used in the novel that shows Clive's struggle to balance religious identity and his homosexual feelings.
2) Lastly, the 3 gingerbread shaped cookies are representative of queer characters we have read about this quarter.


  1. I think the cookies were a hit.. even if the Pride Flag was a little on the burnt side! :) haha All in All, I had a lot of fun making them with you guys!


  2. The burnt flag with the pastel rainbow was awesome!

    -Ted ;)

  3. After Ted dropped me off at my dorm, I was chilling on the ledge outside my building (I'm not going to lie: smoking a cigarette after an intensive four hours of cookie making!!) and this guy came out and was like, "Gay pride cookies? I like your style." The start of a very interesting friendship.

    Also--loved spending four hours with you riotous, intelligent people.

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